Health and Care
This page has been created to aid in discussion of all problems that bird breeders encounter. Please feel free to submit a question or answer to any of the items listed below.
It is envisaged to automate the posting feature here, but until this can be completed (NT restriction), please e-mail your questions, answers and photographs.
of antibiotics in various disease conditions
Disease or Disease
Ornithosis, psittacosis
E. coli septicemia
Spectinomycin or ampicillin
Furazolidone or Nitrofurazone
Sulfadiazine +
Pseudomonas infections
Gentamicin or Polymyxin
Pseudotuberculosis Tetracyclines Oral/Injection
Aspergillosis Amphotericin or miconazole Oral/Injection
Favus Griseofulvin or miconazole Topical
Spectinomycin and other
similarly acting
Urinary tract infection Tetracyclines Oral
Eye infection Oxytetracycline aqueous drops Topical
Upper respiratory tract
Spectinomycin + Lincomycin
Internal tract
Sulfadiazine +
Bacitracin spray
For more information on
Avian Diseases and Medicine see Elisha W. Burr's
book "Diseases of Cage Birds" ISBN 0-8138-0362-4 TFH
Elisha W. Burr's "Diseases of Cage Birds"
Other interesting site on diseases in Pigeons
and Poultry but basically the
same as the diseases effecting finches:
Bird Diseases
Antibiotics European & Miscellaneous Pigeon Supply
of the "must have" very handy and inexpensive 55 page manual by Dr
Danny Brown on
Microscope Use and Pathogen Identification in Birds and Reptiles available from
the ABK
or the QFS
1 - Melanism and Leucism:
This bird has developed many black feathers
in its plumage. Is this a disorder or a mutation?
Submitted by: John Quatro Date: 18/7/1998
Occasionally, birds develop partly dark or totally black plumage,
according to Cornell Lab of Ornithology this is because an abnormal amount of dark melanin pigmentation
is produced.
Checkout these links below, on Melanistic and Leucistic Birds
Melanistic and Leucistic Birds
Albino, Leucistic & Melanistic creatures
2- Bacteria infection:
It looks
as if these birds have some kind of intestinal Bacteria infection many a time Salmonella, Coli or
Candida. Check out the links
Digestive Disorders of Pet Birds
3 - Rickets:
The young Red Siskin with bent feet has died
from "Rickets". Could Rickets be cured at this stage, the bird looked perfectly
Malnourishment is often associated with rickets, the primary cause of rickets is a vitamin D, calcium and phosphate deficiency. See the links below on Rickets:
Metabolic Bone Disorder: Rickets
4: Foot Problems
There are many
reasons why would a bird have sore toe or a foot, more often it's scaly feet, mosquito
bite or a broken toe, check out the links below:
This is the reason why not to give either wild or captive birds synthetic materials to use for nest building. This is a wild European Blackbird I caught after noticing at the feeder something was wrong with its feet. I managed to cut and pull all of the string out. I cleaned, washed, disinfected and applied some ointment on its feet and released the bird. If it survives the first couple of days then I believe its feet will gradually get back to normal despite losing the rear and the inner toe on one leg.
5 - Gout in Birds
of the wild doves at the bird feeder I noticed was limping had abnormally red
feet. I suspected Gout but could be some kind of external skin infection.
Check this out:
Male Red-backed
Wren fighting through the wire with the
White-winged Wren
ended up losing part of its rear toe.
6: - Scaly Mites
Scaly mites can also
infest the area around the eyes or mandibles as in this bird.
This is caused by small mites and
their continuous burrowing activities: side of the beak, head, skin of the eyelids,
ventral region and feet are usually effected. The only birds in my aviaries that I had to
treat occasionally were Chaffinches and Goldfinches, fortunately this is easily treated
with various preparations like: Liquid Paraffin, dissolved Condys Crystals, any Mineral
oil, etc. simply by brushing onto the effected area. Some more expensive medication like
Ivomectin will also do the job. About three to four applications are necessary, one every
three days. I
soak their feet in warm water for about two minutes then wash
their feet with soap, soak for another few minutes to soften the skin, pour some disinfectant then cut all the
dead skin with small scissors, disinfect the feet again then apply Liquid Paraffin or
Petroleum gel. If this condition is left untreated for to long it will cut off blood
circulation resulting in loss of toes, or feet. By applying these ointments we
only suffocate those burrowing mites who are on the bird but their environment also needs
to be looked at. Perches, walls, food and water dishes, cages, floors etc. should also be
cleaned and disinfected. If the birds are kept indoors, good air circulation is required.
7: - Raptured Air Sack
I had young birds with inflated side of the neck before but never as bad as this guy, he eventually died the same day I found him.
Check out the link about a week old pigeon with Ruptured Air Sack
8: - Air Sack Mites
Important to know: Most birds have 9 air
- One interclavicular sac
- Two cervical sacs
- Two anterior thoracic sacs
- Two posterior thoracic sacs
- Two abdominal sacs
9: - Mandibles
This bird has lost its upper and lower mandible.
Submitted by: John
Quatro Date: 18/7/1998
It is important to see an Avian Veterinarian. The bird must have had some kind of nutritional deficiency together with fungal or bacterial infection. Chaffinches need lots of live food, if can't supply live food why keep these birds? Soft food and live food would keep him alive, until you see the Vet.
10: - Lumps
I have this Lined Seedeater with a lump on its head (probably a tumor) could it be removed?
Is is best to see qualified avian veterinarian, see the links below.
11: - Lipoma
Lipoma cyst in
young Hooded Siskin
12: - Aspergillus
Young Red Siskins died for no apparent reason its crop was still full.
is the most common causes of respiratory disease in young birds, primarily a respiratory disease,
infecting lungs and air sacs, but it can affect any organ of the body by traveling through the bloodstream or by growing through an air sac into the body cavity.
Often caused by stress, malnutrition, vitamin "A" deficiency (common with all-seed diets), confinement/environment, and prolonged use of antibiotics. Aspergella, as well as other fungi, grows readily in damp, dark conditions with poor ventilation. Fungal infections are always related to the environment in which the bird is kept.
Aspergillosis will kill the young birds in the nest but
not necessarily effect the parent birds. Young birds are often found dead with their crops
It is not same as Candida (Candida albicans)
Medication: itraconazole, amphotericin B, Fungilin, Nystatin
For more info check out the links below:
Mycoses and Mycotoxicoses Aspergillosis
13: Canker
Canker (Trichomonas gallinae) is a protozoan organism that is commonly found in the mouth,throat, gastro-intestinal tract and upper respiratory tract of birds.
14: - Candida (Candidiasis)
Candida albicans (sometimes referred to as monilia) is a fungus that grows both as yeast and filamentous cells. It is normally present on the skin and in mucous membranes such as the mouth, the gut, it can effect any organ in the body.
will result in nesting diarrhea of gummy consistency which
often fouls the feathers and plugs the vent, the chicks are listless, feathers fluffed up,
head drawn back and eyes closed.
If possible, use of antibiotics should be discontinued during a candida infection.
Medication: Itraconazole, Amphotericin B, Fungilin, Nystatin
Candidiasis in Birds: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention
15: - Megabacteria, now called Avian Gastric Yeast (AGY)
Avian Gastric Yeast (Megabacteria)
16: - Gizzard and Proventiculus
6 main causes of erosions in gizzard and proventriculus
17: Cats
I left four young Siskins in a small cage one Sunday morning out in the sun , when I came back only three were in the cage, I found the head of the fourth about 2 feet away. I suspect a large black and white cat. I would like to catch him, What do I do?
Why, or should I
ask? Cat are sometimes good to have around the house, they control mice
population around the aviaries.
Submitted by: Date:
18: - Yellow skin in the corner of the bill
One of my birds has yellowish skin in the corner of its bill. Definitely not Canker
See (6) Scaly Face photos above.
It only takes 6
hours if the conditions are right for mould to start growing on Fruit,
Soft food and Sprouted seeds.
Sprouted seeds
are only second to unclean water dish for
spreading disease in
Aviaries. This mould grew in only 48 hours. There is a golden rule we all must
and this is to never leave Soft food, fruit or sprouted seeds over night in
This is the seed
I kept for planting, by zooming in with a camera I discovered they were moldy.
Shouldn't be fed to birds!
My Red Siskins have molted
or are molting (I am not sure). The females have lost all their head
feathers. They look
in a very bad condition,
all the males are OK. What should I do and what should I give them?
usually happens to birds kept indoors, I also occasionally see this in my
birds. To treat this I take the bird outside and leave it in an outdoor aviary
for about three months and it always clears up. I believe, it must be some
kind of fungal skin infection or an allergy. I even at times wash the bird using medicated
shampoo, dry it well before leaving it in an outdoor aviary. One think is for
certain, they do benefit from good air circulation, exposure to a direct
sunlight, sand bathe, clean water provided daily to bathe in etc. I am not aware of
any other proven treatments for birds but there could be, it is best to
consult your veterinarian. If it's the feather mites that are causing it, you would know
it, believe me! Another possibility is if the male is to aggressive or if kept
with other birds that are nesting, the birds will cause this to each other,
often bolting out of the nest attacking any bird in the vicinity of their
nest, flying away with beak full of feathers.
21: - Psittacosis
Oriental Greenfinch with Psittacosis
Oriental Greenfinch 35 day later
Paited Bunting with Chlamydia infection
Note: the lump above the eye is pushing the lid upwards
Chlamydia in Birds (psitacosis)
22: - Conjunctivitis
My bird has conjunctivitis what do I do?
Important: Conjunctivitis in finches can be caused by many bacterial infections, psittacosis, viral infections, spiral bacteria, fungal infections, contact, toxins and so on.
How do you treat conjunctivitis in finches
23: - Cataracts
24: Preening
This young Hooded Siskin is a victim
of a continues attack by a large European Greenfinch, with an abscess on its preening
25: Paratyphoid
Swollen Joints could
be an injury or caused by Paratyphoid
Swollen joints
After the
swollen joints dry up (from the pus formed around the joints) the wing will
drop a little, it will never go back to normal. If both wings are effected
the bird will probably never fly again.
What to you use to control coccidia ? The name of medicine and
There are many medication that will control Coccidia, one of the most popular and probably
the best is the Baycox. Dosage is 2ml/L of water , usually it is two to three
day treatment or until
I can
only voice my opinion from my experience mainly through reading and keeping
birds. In 95% of cases twirling is an infection of the vestibular organ in the
inner ear in some cases it is fungal and in some bacterial infection but
it also could be viral, parasitic or toxic. Tumors or lesions of some kind or
a good nock on the head could also have the same symptoms. Although Veterinarians and some Aviculturists claim that
it can be cured, it is more likely you'll end up losing the sick birds (especially
finches) then actually curing them. Veterinary Science is improving daily and
hopefully soon quick and accurate diagnosis will be possible. Over 20 year period I had three birds with twirling
symptoms, I tried everything possible but every time the bird died. In my opinion if the birds were given
proper care, environment and diet twirling would be unheard-off. Never
ever keep too many birds in a cage or an Aviary.
What is too many? --- More then one breeding pair or more than four young, if
kept in a cage.
It is
important that all heated hospital cages have good air circulation, I find that
a cheap computer fans that are available from about $4 each at any computer
market are perfect for this job. Air should never be pumped into the cage, air
should be sucked out of the cage and two small 25mm (1 inch) square fans are
just about the right size for a 700mm x 300mm x 600mm hospital box.
Check this out -
Stunting Syndroms
Photos taken on the 12/12/02,
the chicks are about 10 days old, hatched one day apart.
Stunting Syndromes of Chickens
30: Trimming mandibles
Trimming an overgrown upper mandible
Beaks are mirror of a birds health
31: Overgrown bill
A little bit of TLC and 'look at me now' (About 6
months later)
European Goldfinch with
overgrown bill, both the upper and lower mandibles are
evenly overgrown and had to be trimmed on regular basis. In most cases it is
either the upper or the lower mandible that need trimming. Birds in this
condition cannot feed properly and often die from starvation. I found this bird
in a bird-shop, it was in poor condition. This bird (male) recovered well and now it
looks like a normal Euro. Goldfinch.
(No, it is not C.c parapanisi)
Egg binding
The most common cause of egg binding is lack of calcium in the diet. When I walked into an aviary in which I kept a pair of Hooded Siskins, I saw the female sitting on the perch breathing heavily. The first thought was that it must have had some nasty infection from eating something bad, like paint, lead etc. I looked at the abdomen, it was swollen, I wasn't suspecting egg binding, so I refilled the water dish to which I added "Triple C". I gave the birds three drops directly into the beak and walked out. I returned in about an hour and the bird wasn't much better so I gave her another couple of drops of medicated water thinking 'this bird is a gonner'. The following morning I found the bird perfectly normal, flying from perch to perch, assuming 'whatever it was the medicine must have done the trick'. As I was walking out of the aviary I saw something white on the floor that looked like an egg, I picked it up and yes that was a soft shelled egg that I haven seen for quite some time in my aviaries.
33: Magpie
The first two weeks Now he spends all day foraging for insects and playing with his tennis ball.
4: - ToxicToxic Cocktail
Avian Toxic and Metabolic Diseases
35: -
Grass finch, with face disfigured and crossed mandibles,
and a normal Grass finch.
It is not clear what caused it, if it's proven to be genetic then the parents
should be separated. If it happens again and if
it's proven that one of the parents did this then
that bird should be replaced. Then again, it could have been accidental
at hatching, an insect or another aviary bird could have done it, etc. This bird
died soon after fledging.
Sometimes cotton wool results in this, when the parents are too quick in starting another nest and are carrying both the nesting material and the food for the young in their beaks. This guy is lucky I was able to (very carefully) pull out every bit of it from deep inside its stomach. White-winged Wrens are worth their weight in gold!
This is
another orphan (Noisy Mynah) I found on the floor after a very windy day. This
guy will be ready to release in a day or so!
Overweight Madagascar Weaver Male
39: - Hernias
Parrotfinch female after laying continuously for 2
ended up with this, probably hernia. I moved the bird into a holding aviary, she
eventually recovered. First photo taken on the
20/Aug/12, second on 25/Aug/12 the third
on the 15/Sep/12 and the last on the 16/Mar/13
40: Interesting Links
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